Kaloum Djembe is a team of artists in the United States and Guinea, West Africa dedicated to preserving a centuries old musical art form in an ever modernizing world. We are committed to teaching and sharing the music of our teachers and ancestors to bring communities together, all while bringing quality, authentic, and affordable instruments to our communities. Our mission is two fold for our two locations. In America, our mission is to use drumming as a tool to deconstruct the social and political constructs that divide our country. We aim to create a positive change so the future generations of our country will fight against institutionalized and systematic racism and xenophobia. In Guinea, our mission is to support the artists of Kaloum, Conakry, to ensure that the rich and unique musical traditions of the base coast are upheld and passed on to the future generations.
Forrest is a lifelong student of the drum and Fode Lavia. Learn about his dreams.
Lavia is our teacher, mentor, and one of the shining sons of Guinea. Learn his story.
Ballet Gbassikolo de Kaloum is one of the oldest public ballets in Conakry. Learn about their legacy.